Works been moving along. We finished all the interviews and we then coded all the data from the responses in an excel spreadsheet. We also created graphs for each question, and it reminded me a bunch of my last marketing project I had to do. Mansi is coming this afternoon to help us build a model to determine interest rate by assigning variables based on risk factors. So far this is what we have:
Tasa de interĂ©s = – S (Monto)
Tasa de interĂ©s = – S (Monto)
+ T (Plazo)
+ U (Garantia)
0 = Hipotecaria
1 = Prendaria/ Personal
+ V (Tipo de prestamo)
0 = Capital
1 = Inversion
+ W (Numero de otros prestamos actuales)
– X (Edad de la empresa)
– Y (Ganancias del ano en Bs)
+ Z (Conducta pasada)
0 = Nunca falto un pago
1 = Falto un pago
+ U (Garantia)
0 = Hipotecaria
1 = Prendaria/ Personal
+ V (Tipo de prestamo)
0 = Capital
1 = Inversion
+ W (Numero de otros prestamos actuales)
– X (Edad de la empresa)
– Y (Ganancias del ano en Bs)
+ Z (Conducta pasada)
0 = Nunca falto un pago
1 = Falto un pago
Sorry it's in Spanish, but I really am not in much of the mood to translate. If you would really like to know exactly what it is saying and cannot figure it out, I recommend WordReference as your translation source. It has basically gotten me through college-level Spanish.
Also a little about my weekend... not much happened. I went out Friday and Saturday nights (obviously).
Friday was more relaxed. We went to a bar called the Salar which is because all of the tables and chairs were made from salt blocks like they are on the salt flats. Below is me tasting the table, and Mateo after he had tasted the table...
Then Saturday my host sister took Becca and Lucas and I to Mandarina Club to dance all night long (or at least until 3AM). Saturday afternoon I watched the US lose in a disappointing game to Ghana, but at least now I can root for Ghana to be the only African team to make it to the semi-finals of the World Cup. And then Sunday afternoon, I made brownies with Laurita and they are delicious!
Friday was more relaxed. We went to a bar called the Salar which is because all of the tables and chairs were made from salt blocks like they are on the salt flats. Below is me tasting the table, and Mateo after he had tasted the table...
Then Saturday my host sister took Becca and Lucas and I to Mandarina Club to dance all night long (or at least until 3AM). Saturday afternoon I watched the US lose in a disappointing game to Ghana, but at least now I can root for Ghana to be the only African team to make it to the semi-finals of the World Cup. And then Sunday afternoon, I made brownies with Laurita and they are delicious!
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